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11th of April, 19:00, Fabrika Avtonomia

This time we invite you to the movie „INTO THE CIRCLE“ with the presence of the producers, followed by a discussion with the main focus of surveillance.

What is the movie about?

The film is about monitoring political activists of Rote Flora Squat in Hamburg and other people, like students from Heidelberg, by the police. The main topics of the movie are: What does the seemingly abstract surveillance really mean? INTO THE CIRCLE, these current social issues are approaching in a very personal and concrete way: what consequences does surveillance have for the individual and for society as a whole? How free can supervised people be?

A short excerpt from the movie description:

Iris P. had close friendships and intimate relationships with people she spied on. As undercover investigator „Iris Schneider“, she spent years researching the left-wing scene and the „Rote Flora“ in Hamburg. After their media-effective exposure in 2014, two more undercover investigators were discovered in Hamburg within 18 months: Maria B. (cover name „Maria Block“) and Astrid O. (aka Astrid Schütt). They also worked with similar methods as Iris P. and were undercover in the left scene for many years. Impressively, the protagonists tell their stories from very different perspectives. Supervised people from the environment of the „Red Flora“ in Hamburg and young students from Heidelberg, as well as politically and legally responsible people have their say, as the former Attorney General Kay Nehm.

What else?

After the film, there will be a discussion about monitoring and dealing with it. Can we do that at all? Is it possible that this would happen here in Bulgaria as well? Or do not we need this, because the old institutions are unchanged? And last but not least, what does freedom mean in terms of capitalism in connection with the massive equipment and increase of national and European security authorities?

We will try to clarify these and other questions afterwards. We hope to see you there …


Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MsgPUdQQzUM
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Im-inneren-Kreis-Doku-311946659144390/
Website: http://www.iminnerenkreis-doku.de/

Into The Circle

Фабрика Автономия

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