С всеки 【DIY LIVE】отвоюваме късче промяна и място под слънцето за истински независима сцена в София.
【24/11/2018】от 19:30 във Фабрика Автономия
▲ Събота вечер с още по-шумна, по-експериментална, автентична нишова музика, представена от Kontingent Records и Abandonment.
▲ Millions of Dead Tourists [GR] uses and abuses synths, pedal effects, 2 bass guitars, laptop, sequencer and 3 humans. Among other things, they don’t like reserved rights.
∙ https://millionsofdeadtourists.org/
▲ Sheepfucker and Kraut [IT/DE] – an Italian islander and a German Krautlord meet in Bulgaria & create shattering, hypnotic heavy riffs. Among other things, they like sheep.
∙ https://soundcloud.com/sheepfuckerandkraut
▲ CËRPA [GR] – a black shadow living in your grave, one-man skull smashing electronic attack. Among other things CËRPA likes distorted beats.
∙ https://soundcloud.com/cerpasounds
▲ DWAAL [BG] – one-off live performance by the local drone cvlt. Among other things they don’t like you.
∙ https://soundcloud.com/kontingent-records/sets/dwaal
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