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17 May 2018, 7 PM at Fabrika Avtonomia

An Oxford-style debate with

Piotr Pietrzak

PhD Candidate Sofia University


Francesco Trupia

PhD Candidate Sofia University

In English with possible translation to Bulgarian for those who need it.

Дебатът ще се проведе на английски език с превод на български за онези, които имат нужда.



The debate will aim to bring a new light on today’s conflicts across Middle East (Syria and Iraq) and Eastern Europe (Balkans, Ukraine and Caucasus) in the light of military interventions and the variety of forms of grassroots resistance and people’s claims for self-governing rights and autonomy. In particular, the debate will focus on post-war identity issues on both international and regional level from a cultural and humanitarian perspective.


Duration & Rules

In the first part each of the two speakers has five minutes for their opening argumentation. In the second part they address five questions to each other, allowing two minutes per answer. The third part is devoted to their closing argumentation in ten minutes each. The last part is reserved for questions and comments from the audience.
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